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Here you may recall  our past Navy friends and co-workers on the NAVCOMPARS, the LDMX and the many systems that grew from  them (i.e. RIXT, NAVMACS, CUDIXS, PCMT, GATEGUARD, FOTACS, MMS). Recall and add to the history of their planning, development,  maintenance, and implementation of the NAVCOMPARS from 1972 to retirement in 2003.   Find where many  friends and co-workers are today, where they have been and what they been doing on"lesser efforts"  in the NCP Directory.

E-mail me to add or edit your history and doings with old friends, or to add some personal history insights to the "legacy" systems.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yes, still planning to get fixed (year plus later)
Would love to say having too much fun, but would not be quite true.  Side tracked into family items, having AutocadLt2011 update kick my butt.  The damns *#%&%& Autodesk decided to foll the Bill Gates policy of change everything so it looks different and we will tell you what and how to use your computer!!!  Except of course many, many exisiting issues and holes.  Then found need to move a bunch of stuff into Excel and need to learn macros and VBA to get anything really done! But, if do can get out of my application that does it all and give to some other volunteers to handle as they use Excel.

Hope all are having fun.

2:37 pm est

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Space holder

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